Thursday, February 09, 2012


As written by a photographer I admire:

Inspiration is found in many places. Inspiration is found out of fleeting moments. Inspiration comes from your family. It comes from within. It comes from experiences, and it comes from “being”.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Master Cleanse - Day 4

It is now the end of my fourth day on this cleanse, and I have begun to wonder whether it's really a good idea health wise. I know it flushes out my system from all the toxic waste that's built up, but not eating for ten days is really not healthy... And I am already feeling smaller. I am not the type of person that likes the idea of losing weight fast, because it comes back on just as fast. If someone loses weight in a healthy way it should stay off for a long time. I was just thinking that maybe there is a better, or simpler way to flush out my system.. maybe for a couple of days, and then go back to my normal routine. It's not like I was totally unhealthy before. I must admit though, my main reason for starting this cleanse was because the months before I had been putting a lot of bad things into my system. Also the month prior to starting I was alone most of the time and I had started picking up bad eating habits.. like eating out of boredom, or being sight hungry... I wanted to feel the actually need and real feeling of hunger again. Now that I have accomplished that I am wondering if I should continue or not. I probably will, just to see if I can do it... but easing back into eating food again is sure going to be tricky, because I am probably going to want to eat more than I should.
Anyways... Today was very simple, I mostly watched movies, biked to the store to get more maple syrup, watched more movies, and went swimming with my best friend. I would say today was an enjoyable day. It was pretty simple for me not to eat again, and the drinks are starting to taste not so bad. I would say being half way done this cleanse feels pretty empowering (apart from my dilemma to continue)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Master Cleanse - Days 1-3

I decided to try out this Master Cleanse business, where you only drink a lemonade type mixture for a minimum of ten days. The mixture is made of : 2 tbsp of fresh lemon juice, 2 tbsp of pure maple syrup, and 1/10 tsp of cayenne pepper mixed in 1 cup of water.
Day 1: Very difficult for me not to think of eating. I drank the required 6 glassed that day. The hardest thing for me i'd say is that I work in the food service industry. So I smelled all the things I desired and saw so many different foods that occasionally my mouth even watered. Weird enough, I even craved bacon for the first time in over a year (I don't eat pork). Once I got home everything felt much better though, and knowing I had defeated my cravings made me feel pretty good about myself. I would definitely say that riding my bike to and from work on the first day of fasting may not have been the best decision... lol .. I was very tired after work. I also decided to do the Salt Water Flush that evening... I am not a person who likes much salt with things, I never put it on my food or anything. So drinking 1 liter of salt water was very hard for me to keep in. But it definitely cleaned out my system, that is for sure!
Day 2: I decided to head to school without my bicycle this day. I drank all my juice and water throughout the day as required. The only time I really had a bad craving to eat food was when my boyfriend ate Wendy's food near me.. The smell.. Wow my sense of smell was heightened that is for sure. The first and second day were pretty intense for my sense of smell. I went dancing that evening, which felt pretty good :) Lastly, during my sleep I dreamed about food, lots of it too, and remembering it so vividly made me forget whether or not I had actually eaten :P haha
Day 3: Well the day is not over yet, but this early half has been quite simple. I don't desire food so much, I know my stomach is feeling hungry though. I think my brain is also starting to decipher the good food and the bad food to desire in my eating habits... At this point in time I just want to taste fruit, and rice.. haha.. But I am sure that is different for everyone.

Friday, April 29, 2011


I have become increasingly fascinated with make-up lately, not quite sure exactly why, but I can say for sure that a woman on facebook caught my attention... her facebook page is called "The Eyes Have It". She has a creativeness about her that I admire, she does things I would love to try but just don't know where to start. I honestly have never been too into make-up except sometimes when I do go out with the girls. Either way, this has just made me want to try some new things with colors and styles, it's time to see what really looks good on my eyes. :)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The People in this Life

‎"Sometimes everything you see is based on perception not truth and sometimes everything you hear is based on opinion not fact"
The way I see it is that everything that is said can be forgotten and everything written can be erased. Coming from this view of life it can be a bit hard to understand why people chose to focus their energy on saying or writing such evil and unkind things to other people. I understand others can be intimidated by surrounding peers success or just their personality, but in all honesty I don't understand why they focus their time and energy on trying to belittle those people. If people spent their energy on improving themselves and sharing their love with the ones around them and not paying attention to so many other peoples lives then maybe they would also be successful in life.
I am so very blessed to be able to wake up every day knowing that I am trying to make a difference in my life and I am able to share this journey with so many amazing people around me. I can only hope the ones I cherish know how much I really do care about them! :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Day Like Any Other...

Waking up early was not as hard as usual today.. I only went for a 15 minute-after shower nap and once I woke up and put on my clothes I was so awake and refreshed!! Nice way to start off any day, or at least that is what I think. Then to keep my spirits high I actually caught my bus on time and made the transfer almost smoothly (thanks to the nice bus driver I had). As an added bonus I was not late for either class today, I saw a couple people I love to run into, and I worked out HARD and it felt AMAZING!!! hehe .... That is basically how simple my day was in a nutshell, just as every day has been. School, study, chat (occasionally), gym (when motivated :P ), and sleep. I was told some time ago, when I moved back in with my brother, that I would get used to being alone and I would start to like it. I must admit that this person was correct. It is a strange feeling, yes, but that does not mean it cannot be enjoyable. I must learn to enjoy what I have when I have it, and right now I have peace and I certainly am beginning to enjoy it! :)
One great thing about being alone so often is being able to sort through all my thoughts... and believe me when I say there are too many of those things just floating around my brain.. sometimes I am surprised I can fit anything new up there! I have discovered what my real feelings are for some people, things I never wanted to confront and now I have. Just knowing what I know and how I really feel about some things is really helping me be able to let go of other feelings that I thought were stronger than they actually were.
I am so glad I am free, I am so happy to have such great, close friends ( the couple I have). I am also so happy I have had some time to get to understand myself better and what I want.. Now, here's to hoping some other people might begin to understand me a bit better. I mean, isn't that how it works? You come to understand yourself and it will help others to see into who you truly are... ?? If not, that is ok... I can hope for such things.. But if it is possible, I hope it happens! :P

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A New Year to Come Again

A New Year is coming... but am I ready? Is anyone ready for another year to come and go like nothing changed? Even when things change constantly it always seems for some reason like time has stood still when you look back through the year you just finished. This year was a very unaccomplished kind of year for me ... I had no job until recently, I struggled to stay living on my own the whole year, then finally gave in and moved in with my brother... probably the only good decision I made this year as well. It is helping me save money, which everyone can enjoy! Especially when the benefit to that could be escaping your country for the first time in your life. I must say working again feels great! Having worked for almost ten years now doing something, anything to earn extra cash, this last year of unemployment killed me on the inside... I felt so idle and useless.